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Staining and Mold Treatment

Damaging to Structure and Health

Edmonton Painters Pro is pleased to provide complete mold and mildew removal services. Mold and mildew live off of organic material such as wood, cloth, leather, and over time their presence can weaken the structure of the item that it grows on and which can affect your overall health and is particularly troublesome for someone with allergies or asthma.

Its very important to correctly locate any possible mold and mildew growth and remove it before it starts to spread in your home, business or onto other items.


Mold is essentially a fungus that can grow on anything, as long as it can find humidity and a food source for continued development. It has a tendency to develop in threads, patches, spider-webs or peach-type fuzzy spots , and appears most often on natural, porous surfaces such as cotton, wool, leather, silk and paper. It reproduces by sending out clouds of spores, hence its ability to “leap” from item to item.


Mold and mildew are not one in the same, but they are often accompanied by each other. While they share some similarities, they are not the same kind of fungus. However any moldy or otherwise soiled surface can provide a nutritive source for mildew, and beyond that it requires the prime temperature and humidity level to make it appear and spread like wildfire.


Mold and mildew are not one in the same, but they are often accompanied by each other. While they share some similarities, they are not the same kind of fungus. However any moldy or otherwise soiled surface can provide a nutritive source for mildew, and beyond that it requires the prime temperature and humidity level to make it appear and spread like wildfire.


Humidity is by far the primary factor and condition for the growth of mold and mildew. It is the moisture in the still, quiet air that allows mold spores to grow and spread. Think of dank basements, musty attics, or clothes left behind in the washer for too long – these are mildew’s favorite environments.

  • Be sure to allow for sufficient air flow through your home (basements, closets, etc.) or work environment.
  • Maintain good air circulation by using fans. If it all possible, use an air conditioner during extremely hot days and a heater during the cold to help maintain a temperature around twenty-one degrees Celsius.
  • When necessary use a dehumidifier to keep humidity under sixty percent, but only when necessary.

Care and Removal

Regardless of the location of the mold or mildew growth, if you don’t feel confident removing it yourself, please let us know. To completely remove is one thing, but getting at its roots and entirety is a completely different story.

Remember, mold and mildew can be harmful to you and your family, your home and your possessions. Please exercise caution, and wear a mask over your nose and mouth to reduce the impact on your health.

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Edmonton, Crestwood, Riverdale, Garneau, Ritchie, Highlands, Westmount, Oliver, Glenora, Strathcona,

painters, residential, commercial, wallpaper, nock down, textured ceilings, varnish finishing, water damage, stain removal, mold removal, paint restoration, drywall service, feature walls, taping and mudding, plaster repairs

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